Sunday 3 February 2013

Day Trip to Taoyuan - 桃园三坑老街一日游

Hsinchu City Centre - Departing from our friends' apartment situated at Guangfu road (光复路), we could easy catch a No.1 Bus toward City centre. 15TWD each person and we arrived at city centre (very near to Hsinchu Train Station). Hsinchu city centre nestled with many restaurants and hawker stalls serving local delicacies with affordable price. 
Hsinchu city early in the morning.
very attractive beverage packaging, and it taste good too!
We settled down in a restaurant for a bowl of Oyster noodles (蚝仔面线), and Pork Intestine (香脆肠子). Since we can read chinese, there is not much barriers for us to understand the menu and make an order. We were grateful that we learn the language during our early days.

Tourist Shuttle Bus, Cihu line (台湾好行,慈湖线)- To start off our journey, we took a train from Hsinchu to Zhongli train station(中坜火车站), followed by Tourist Shuttle Bus, Cihu line (台湾好行,慈湖线). Out from the train station, turn to your left and walk straight until you see Taoyuan Bus Station (桃园客运). A day pass for unlimited hop on and off will only cost 100TWD. We also received timetable of the bus leaving and arriving at each stops. We planned our journey during the bus ride, it took us probably 45minutes from Zhongli (中坜)- Sankeng old street(三坑老街).
San Keng old Street Stop (三坑老街站) - Arriving at Sankeng old street bus stop, we were confused if we were at the right place, because it is so quiet that we could not imagine that this is a tourist spot. Walking toward our destination with the aid of signboard, we saw the peaceful side of Taiwan. Blue sky, white clouds, and many old houses surrounding us. Walking during winter is so much better than in summer time because you don't easily sweat your body wet. This place has more than hundred years history, and it started to gained back its popularity recently.
We were welcomed by a unique bridge that connect us from the bus stop to our destination.
We were very lucky to have good weather today!
200TWD for 2person bicycle, or 100TWD for single person bicycle.
Since most of the shops at old streets don't operate during work day, we rented a bi-cycle to travel around the town. The operator was really kind to fetch us up to the bus stop one by one  when he found out we were almost late to catch the bus back to town, really helpful! 

The Bi-cycle carries us up and down.
SanKeng Bicycle Path (三坑铁马道)- The operator also showed us the road to the bicycle path(三坑铁马道), designed for cyclist. The path is roughly 1KM long, with pretty broad walkway, it looks more like a car road, than a bicycle road. Moreover, it has butterfly corridor (蝴蝶花廊) and flower pathway (赏桐花径). 
Our first experience riding on this kind of bicycle. 

Take note, picture time (注意,要拍照了).
Along the way we can enjoy beautiful scenery and fresh air. We met many cyclists and we really having some good time here. There are also spots to take beautiful photographs. We spent roughly 2hours in this place and still we having a good time. This place release relaxing atmosphere and places for good pictures. 
Photography session with Liyi @ San Keng Bicycle path.
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Winter in Taiwan,台湾的冬天!

SanKeng Old Street (三坑老街) - After all, we got back to the old street but most of the shops were closed during weekday. Thus we only quickly ran through the street, and it was really A street. Settled down in the only restaurant, we ordered a big fish for both of us and it was AWESOMELY GOOD. They have fair price too. TWD 260 for more than a kilos live fish.

菜晡,salted vegetables.

三坑老街餐馆,owned by mayor of the village.
三坑老街餐馆,owned by mayor of the village.

Ambience of arriving in your home. 家的味道!
The restaurant is filled with pictures of the owner with numbers of local celebrities, even with the President of Taiwan.

Fish with sugar and vinegar sauce( 糖醋鱼),270 TWD.
GuangFu Road - Hsinchu Train Station(光复路-新竹火车站) 15$
Hsinchu Train Station - ZhongLi Train Station(新竹火车站-中坜火车站) 57$
Tourist Shuttle Bus (台湾好行巴士)100$
Very good lunch for 2 persons 270$/2(丰富的二人午餐)=135$
Total Spent(总数) = 307$

You can save more if you start your journey earlier and visit to more destination such as  Long Tan Lake, Hakka Culture Hall, DaXi Old Street, CiHu(龙潭湖,客家文化馆,大溪老街,慈湖).

Fore more information and enquiry about 台湾好行,feel free to contact them at:

Taoyuan County Government Tourist Develop Department Tel:(03) 332-2101 Ext:5263
Taoyuang Hsien Government Department of Transportation Tel:(03) 332-2101
Ext:6863Bus Service Hotline:(03)427-2477
Service Hour: 09:00~17:00

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