Friday 29 March 2013

打从上个星期起,就有了去Dongongon 传统早市的念头,终于能在今天实现了!开着车子载着佩诗(Jessie Kan)和家宜(Blue Seah)。(欢迎游览他们的FB)
我们早晨出发,一路交通顺畅 (今天是公共假期),不消半小时就到了这早市。找到了停车位,经过Mega Long 购物广场,我们来到了早市入口。

这时的早市已经聚集了很多人潮,大肆购物,从各式各样的蔬菜水果,和平时不常见到的道地美食食材(鳖,鳝鱼,西米蠕虫)都可以在这里网罗。除此之外,也有道地的马来小食和华人糕点任你选购。这里甚至还有卖叉烧!这早市的规模不算大,和Kota Belud 的早市比较下,就有一定的差别。



大家欢迎游览佩诗的部落格,Jessie's Blue Sky
欢迎游览佳宜的个人摄影收藏 - Blue Seah
同桌吃面的大叔,说他是 super star,要我们让他照相,非常友善
用鱼肉做的面条,弹牙QQ !再来一个!


走,我们上街去 - Moment with Lumix - Featuring Jessie Kan

打从上个星期起,就有了去Dongongon 传统早市的念头,终于能在今天实现了!开着车子载着 佩诗 (Jessie Kan)和 家宜 (Blue Seah)。(欢迎游览他们的FB) 我们早晨出发,一路交通顺畅 (今天是公共假期),不消半小时就到了这早市。找到了停车位,经过M...

Wednesday 27 March 2013

This way to the Church, follow me.
Pets appear in night market fearlessly.



One of the busiest wholesaler streets for clothing's (五分铺)


This Apek dig up a hole in public hot spring, awesome!

BBQ stick in Wulai (乌来)
My love, to you!

Walking Down the Streets in Taiwan - Moment with Lumix

Waiting.. This way to the Church, follow me. Pets appear in night market fearlessly. 乌来小弟 ...

Friday 22 March 2013

I just wanted to share some of my portraiture collection taken with my Lumix GF1 with 2 lenses: 
Panasonic 20mm F1.7
Leica Elmarit 45mm F2.8

Many said that due to the sensor size different, micro 4/3 is less competence with AP-S sensor DSLR, but if you're a hobbyists, do not bother about that. Ever since i acquire this tiny camera, i lessen my time using DSLR anymore. Like the recent trip to Taiwan, the ratio of using my D7000 and GF1 is about 1 : 9. 

The fact is that GF1 is really convenient to carry around, small sling bag like Kata DC - 435 DL allows me to carry: 
I. GF1 with 20mm Pancake and Electronic View Finder. 
II. 45mm Leica Elmarit Macro lens. 
III. Kiev 4A Russian Rangefinder camera.
IV. 2Rolls of Film.
V. Passport and a small notebook.
VI. Cables and accessories, etc.

If i use this same bag to fit my D7000, it probably only manage to put 
I.Nikon D7000, with much difficulties to fit in my Tammy 11-18mm Wide Angle lens and other accessories. Even the batteries of a DSLR occupied a big space. As a result of the portability of GF1, i hardly brought out D7000, i let it rest in my big backpack, inside of the hotel room. 

Please enjoy viewing my portraiture collection of people i love.  

Railway trail at Pingxi line, the same route going to ShihFen waterfall.
Inside the underground mall of Taipei Train station, it's huge and crowded with many vendors selling from shoes to souvenir and traditional biscuits.
Liberty square, located right next to National Chiang-Kai Shek Memorial Hall. Can easily be reach via train station.
One sunset outing at Menara Tun Mustapha.
Happy Qi En like a street performer at Gaya Street, 2012. Shoot with 20mm wide open. 
First time experiencing Bullet train from TaiChung - Taipei. Speedy, but Costly.
20mm/Equivalent to 40mm on Full Frame, and still capable producing adequate amount of Bokeh.
Producing sharp image using Macro 45mm Leica Elmarit on GF1.

When my mum and my niece visited to KK, shoot this with my 20mm F1.7, razor sharp and one of my all time favorite lens.
Public hot spring at Wulai, Taiwan. *Uncle is posing with u!
And Qi En growing up so fast, Chinese New Year in hometown, Ipoh.
A fine afternoon at Sandakan, beautifully shaded portraiture. 
The biggest gain for buying GF1 is the portability, without compromising the picture quality. Once we got into the field of DSLR, we tend to magnify the importance of "picture quality". What i usually do after i took a shot is to always zoom 100% to see the sharpness and details of the picture *it is a bad habit to keep "chimping" at your camera after shots. The ability to change the lens is also a plus for enthusiasts like myself. We all know that every single lens gotta serves its purpose well, All-in-one lens (18-200mm, 28-300mm, 18-270mm) doesn't make any sense for us unless we are constraint by the weight and size of the bag. 

The biggest drawback is the ISO control, although it has aperture of F1.7 which suck up all the lights available, you simply need to boost up the ISO sometimes. I felt its limit falls at ISO800, anything above that would not be acceptable for me. Control is more personal and handy in D7000 than GF1, it doesn't bother much if I'm not doing sport/ event photography. 

At the time I'm writing this, i have the intention to sell off D7000 and lens and continue with my small GF1, or upgrade to Olympus EM5. Though, there are still uncertainties and questions to be solved before jumping into conclusion. Thus i will just keep both set up for the time being, fully utilizing every moments with 'em.

Portraiture with Lumix GF1

I just wanted to share some of my portraiture collection taken with my Lumix GF1 with 2 lenses:  Panasonic 20mm F1.7 Leica Elmarit 45mm...


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